Sincerely, The Interns

The interns we bring on board are second to none. And it’s about time they get a little attention. We’ll be featuring current (and past) Freedom Consulting Group interns, giving them a voice to express what they’ve learned, any advice they have for future interns and something offbeat—like their favorite late-night snack, or what’s on their DVR.

Intern Theo

An alumnus of UMBC, and now a full-fledged member of Freedom Consulting Group, Theo first started with us as an intern from Lanham, Maryland—just outside our nation’s capital. We know quite a few interesting morsels about Theo. He frequents Texas Roadhouse (we reckon it’s the bread), he loves tinkering with cars in his spare time and he’s a fan of both soccer and basketball—FC Barcelona and the LA Lakers. Want to know more? Well, you’ll just have to take a gander below.

Describe your favorite experience as an FCG intern.
My favorite experience was helping our CTO Scott Beall configure the new company server.

How did your internship differ from your expectations?
My experience as an intern was pretty much what I expected. When I first started it was with an understanding that I was being prepared for work dealing mostly with GIS and Java tools. The training I received really helped me with my transition into a fulltime employee.

What new tricks/tips have you learned since your first day as an intern?
Since joining the team I have learned a myriad of new skills. From problem solving and working with various software tools, to improving my efficiency in debugging errors and being able to write complex SQL queries.

What advice would you give another FCG intern?
The advice I would give the next class of interns would be to stay patient, have fun and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Personal hero?
Batman—because he demonstrates what one person can accomplish just by being human.

Favorite class?
Java Data Structures

What animal best represents you and why?
The jaguar. They’re silent and laidback but are always prepared to act if the need arises.

Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars