Meet the Man Behind the Strategy, FCG’s Sean Keller
What happens when strategy meets forward thinking? Sean Keller happens, that’s what. As FCG’s new Chief Strategy Officer, Sean brings an entrepreneurial background and unique take on business to our brand’s leadership team. So what’s all the “strategy” talk about? Here’s the download according to Sean.
To fully understand what this emphasis on strategy is all about, let’s take a step back and get to know the man behind it all. As Chief Strategy Officer, Sean is focused on new opportunities and growth for FCG – something he’s very familiar with. Prior to joining the corporate team, he co-founded Sage Management, a technology solutions provider headquartered in Columbia, MD.
So, how do these experiences position him for success at FCG? “I have always had an entrepreneurial fire burning and I find it exciting to come up with new opportunities, new solutions, and new services for our clients,” Sean said. “That excitement fuels me and I think it will help me leverage FCG’s current capabilities for new opportunities.”
And all this talk of “strategy” – what does that translate to in the day-to-day? “It is a heavy-sounding word, and it was the best way we could capture all of the various things the Partners have challenged me to do here at FCG,” he said. “Perhaps the best way to think of it is: if what I am doing brings value to the shareholders, then it probably has some strategic implication for the company. When we developed the strategic plan back in May, we decided that there needed to be someone whose responsibility it was to be the facilitator of the plan – that’s probably the best way to capture my role.”
In essence: “One day, I might be assisting John C. with a proposal, the next day I could be holding a meeting with a potential new partner, and another day I could be having a one-on-one session with one of the Partners.”
In addition to his role at FCG, Sean is ordained clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. “As a Deacon, I have a family and a secular career,” he said. “I’m assigned to the Baltimore Basilica, the first Catholic Cathedral built in the United States. In this capacity, I perform baptisms, witness weddings, and perform a variety of other roles for the Church. So, as you can see, I have many bosses—my wife and children (just kidding); the partners here at FCG; and the Archbishop of Baltimore.”
By bringing together an entrepreneurial mindset with a robust business background, Sean’s addition to the FCG leadership team is a win for everyone.
Now that’s a strategy.