Sincerely, the Interns

The interns we bring on board are second to none. And it’s about time they get a little attention. We’ll be featuring current (and past) Freedom Consulting Group interns, giving them a voice to express what they’ve learned, any advice they have for future interns and something offbeat—like their favorite late-night snack, or what’s on their DVR.

Intern Stephanie
Stephanie calls Catonsville, MD (just outside of Baltimore City) her hometown. During her two months with us, we’ve had some time to find out that the celebrity she would most like to meet is Mr. Rogers, and if we were going to take her out to lunch, we should take her to the Royal Taj, her #1 go-to restaurant. Read on to find out more about Stephanie’s intern experience, her personal theme song, and why she never throws away her notes.

How have you seen yourself grow personally or professionally as a result of your time interning with Freedom?
I’ve gotten passionate about Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the Cloud in general- which is something I wasn’t very interested in before. In a short period of time I learned a lot about AWS and all the amazing features it offers. I’ve also met amazing people and made so many friendships.

What’s been your favorite part of your internship so far?
All the people I’ve met. Everyone at Freedom is so smart and interesting. I like having a corporate environment that encourages me to learn and ask questions from so many different people.

How has your internship differed from your expectations? Or is it pretty much what you envisioned?
I think it’s been pretty much what I envisioned. I had previous internship experiences so I knew what I was getting into.

What new tricks/tips have you learned since your first day?
I would say organize your notes on your project and never throw away your notes until you’re done with them! It definitely helps when you have to go back so you can remember exactly what you were thinking!

When your pals ask what you do as an intern how do you explain your position?
I like saying it’s “Whatever Scott wants me to do,” haha. But in all seriousness, Scott cares a lot about the intern’s experience and making sure they have real world skills  that help develop them as professionals. He’s always keeping an eye out for new technology so we’re up to date and he’s always willing to try new things.

Describe your most rewarding experience as an intern.
I think being able to develop software that I know will help the company has been incredibly rewarding. It’s been really cool to be able to develop software for a company from the beginning.

If you were asked to choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?
That’s really hard because it really changes depending on my mood! Probably “I Did Something Bad” by Taylor Swift.

What show are you currently binging or what’s up next in the queue?
I love Grey’s Anatomy and Criminal Minds! My new favorite has to be Frontier.

If you could use technology to advance one thing, what would it be?
I would use technology to advance education. I think technology makes it easier for everyone to have access to similar resources. As long as you can get someone the internet they have access to so much information!

What’s your spirit animal?
My spirit animal is probably a dolphin—I love to swim and I love the ocean.

What’s a fact about you that most people would find surprising?
I’ve been dancing since I was 4, and recently started ballroom dancing. I also learned to swim before I could walk. I’ve had two poems published.

What advice would you give to future interns at FCG?
I think if you come in with an open mind and a passion for the field then you’ll make the best out of your internship here and learn a lot.